Paul Musa Emuekpere
05 September, 2021
In our sojourning on Earth as creatures of God, we must not forget His purpose for our existence. Hence, we are called by Him to be functionaries of His Will. Hence, the grafting of His Word as a model for us to aptly follow and the indwelling of His Spirit for guidance. this model is angulated on this sacred direction; “The Kingdom” which is to come.
He says through His dear Son and our Lord and Saviour Who is the fullness of Him:
Matthew 6:33:
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
In summary, we are therefore called to live our lives in fellowship with the Monarch of the Universe who has so bequeathed to man a kind of precious inheritance to the Kingdom. Therefore as functionaries, He expects us to share in His government to reconcile man with Him and to prosecute His purpose and override the works of darkness that has so engulfed the heart of man and territories as a result of the gruesome rebellion of Lucifer as well as the fall of man propelled by the quest for a form of pleasure that edifies but perverse the carnal recepticles of the flesh of man by the instrumentality of the web of sin craftily spurn by Satan therefore implicating a system of whoredom and rebellion. This, as a guide, the Good Lord therefore admonishes Mankind to cautiously and meticulously live by the technology of every Word that proceeds from His Godly Mouth. Hence, His Will is sacronsact. And more in this end time, we make loud this Fundamental Truth: Lo, I come in the volume of the Book as it is written of me to do thy will O Lord (Hebrews10:7). It is this will that will reveals Satan’s lies and schemes and see to His defeat in our lives.
Conclusively, a Clarion call is deeply echoed again and in this context, here;
•The drum of SALVATION is beating to the hearing of all the unsaved (Give your life to Christ),
• The Song of #TRANSFORMATION is beautifully but powerfully sung to the hearing of the Saved, you must work on yourself diligently by the Word and the Holy Spirit to live a Holy and Righteous life pleasing to God,
• And for the Transformed, the Fire is released for your #EMPOWERMENT. Hence, seek for the empowerment of The Holy Spirit, live by it and never let it quench,
• Last but not least, build up yourself with Character that reflects Christ in you and put on the cloak of Humility at all times.
Note, If what you do, does not exalt God’s Authority, God’s Glory, God’s Will and God’s Pleasure quickly without hesitation desist from it. Your life is designed to manifest the Goodness of God.
And I hope by the Lord, I make sense here
God bless you all!