Camp Encounter

ChristForTheWorldNetwork (Sunday, 03/04/2021), Egba


Thank You Lord for a blessed Camp Encounter Today. God bless you all. Be nourished with God’s Word and you shall grow into maturity, evolve into greater dimensions with your spiritual biceps and muscles well developed. And as you totally surrender to the Lord, build intimacy with the divine and learn of Him, you shall be empowered and you shall be an heavy weight. Consequently, the evil storms and wind of the prince of the air, cannot blow you off neither sift you in any way for you are established upon the Solid Rock of Christ. This doesn’t happen automatically, it requires your Collaboration for Heaven’s validation and anointing. Yes, despite our weaknesses and frailties, GOD Almighty cares for us. Now, imagine you taken practical steps in knowing and following Him genuinely not out of the lust of this world but all out for His Kingdom, imagine, what He will Transform You into. For ye are gods and children of the Most High. Now, what is that aspect of your life courtesy of a weakness as a result of the choice you make.

Now, imagine you taken practical steps in knowing and following Him genuinely not out of the lust of this world but all out for His Kingdom, imagine, what He will Transform You into. For ye are gods and children of the Most High. Now, what is that aspect of your life courtesy of a weakness as a result of the choice you make?
Make a decision today and seek The eternal Call and The Holy SPIRIT Shall teach, comfort, edify and exalt you.

GOD Be Praised

ChristForTheWorldNetwork. Behold I have come they may have life and have it in abundance…. Behold, I come quickly… When the Son of Man comes will He find Faith?






*Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.* (Jude 1’24-25)*Inspiration*Jude reminds of the great power of God. So many times, we as Christian worry about how we are going to remain steadfast. We worry that we will “mess up” and that we won’t be able to measure up in this Christian walk. In this passage, Jude helps us to remember that God has taken it upon Himself to keep us from stumbling. God, in all His majesty and glory, has deigned to keep our pitiful selves out of trouble. Like a father who runs tirelessly behind his child, riding a bike for the first time without training wheels, God runs tirelessly by our side, reaching out to steady us when we threaten to fall, keeping us from tumbling head over heels, and cheering us on when don’t wobble.*Prayer*Lord, Thank You for Your diligence in keeping me from falling. You, in all Your glory, the King of King and Lord of Lords, loves me enough to steady me when I need it. You are great and You are mighty. I thank You with my whole heart. Amen.

#StephenDominicIyamu #OgechiMarthaOkeke #PaulMusaEmuekpere

In practical followership of the Spiritual Works of Mercy.

Thank You Lord for a successful Prison Outreach (Nigeria Correctional Centre) on January 12, 2022 @Nigeria Correctional Centre Sapele Road, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria.

Thank you so much Miss Jecinta Ezeh for making this happen.  God bless you. Your Jar shall increase more and overflow.
Special Thanks my amazing bro, Olayinka.

Special thanks Also to the Deputy Comptroller of Prisons for the opportunity.

The use of camera is forbidden in the facility. Hence, no pictures to display.

God be praised

Sign: Paul Musa Emuekpere



CHRIST FOR THE WORLD NETWORK (Evangelical Movement (Benin City, Edo State)



1• JANUARY:  *Opening of Year Activities:* 21 Days Fasting and Prayer/Seminars/Bible Studies on Evangelism/Laws of EXCELLENCE

*Date*: January 3rd-January 24th

*3 Days Camp Retreat*
  *Date*: Friday 21st- Sunday 23rd January, 2022
  *Venue:* CPM Camp Ground Egba

     *February 6Th*: Rural Evangelism (Venue as led)
  • *February 14Th* (St  Valentine’s Day): Corporal Works of mercy as led by the Holy Spirit/Public Evangelism

3. MARCH :        •Commencement of Short Movies Projects

• Series of Seminars, Training, Workshops, etc

Note: There shall be no Evangelical Outreaches in this month except special exigent calls by the Holy Spirit. Blessed be His Holy Name


• 3 Days Pre-Crusade Retreat
Date: As led by the Holy Spirit
Venue: CPM Camp Ground

• *Rural Crusade*
Location: As led
•  Rural Film Show ( Passion of Christ by Mel Gibson)
* Passion of Christ Stage Play

Dates: as decided

•5 MAY
   • Virtuous Call events for Girls as planned

•VIRTUOUS CALL Events For Boys

*Date:* As decided

  •3 Days Retreat to Apostle Joseph Babalola Prayer Mountain, Ikeji Arakeji, Osun State.

•Evangelical Truck Tours

    • Evangelical Truck Tour Continues

    • Internally Display Persons (IDP) Camp Encounter/Fellowship
*Venue*: International Cristian Centre (Uhogua, Benin City)
*Date:* As decided

11. NOVEMBER: Special Encounter With Students

*Venue:* as decided
Date: as led by the Holy Spirit.

    • Series of Spiritual/Corporal Works of Mercies as Led by The Holy Spirit

*Date* As decided

• End of Year Activities/ Thanksgiving


1• weekly Sundays Evangelical Outreach/Field Encounter,  Study Day, Free day as led and decided every month

Weekly Camp Encounter holds at CPM Camp Group or otherwisely decided

2. Evangelism to markets, parks, Streets, etc *Every Thursday or otherwise*
   *Time*: 7:00Am-8:00Am

Location: As led by the Holy Spirit.

3• School Evangelical Drives/Social Community Impart will be launched in this year.

We give GOD Almighty all the Glory

Let us commit these activities to God’s hands, Will and Perfection in Jesus Name. Amen. Hallelujah

*Christ For The World Network*
**Ever Ready Soldiers of the Gospel*


*Sign*: Bro. Paul Musa Emuekpere for Team CFTWN (31/12/2021)


Delivered by Rita Chinemerem Umeh at Christ For The World Network Christmas Encounter held at Ogba Zoological Garden, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria on December 25, 2021.

Most believers think and act in a way that knowing God alone should be the only productive aspect of life, whereas it ought to be the other way round that knowing God for yourself should perfect every other areas of your life. Life in it’s entirety is deceptively short, so at all times we have to run away from false living to perfect our purpose for God’s kingdom. Just living as a sincere Christian will not be enough requirement for the years to come. Even the devil strategize too. But we are more privileged because God has not left us in the dark. The devil does not have access to the Grace of Mercy nor does the place of the prophetic work for him. If we must journey on in this dark days we must be obedient to God’s word and set our pride aside. Life is measured in Time and Time is measured in productivity or unproductivity. The work you do today will definitely speak for you tomorrow.

What Is Productivity
In it’s basic form, it has been seen as the quality, state or fact of being able to generate, create enhance or bring forth goods and services. It is also the state of being productive. To be productive is to be engaged in activities that will yield to a greater input spiritualwise, financialwise, healthwise relationallywise and otherwise. Increase only comes on the outburst of being productive.

The Key Factors to attain a productive life.
The God Factor. As believers we all generally know and are aware of our Father’s unconditional love for us but the intensity of our love for him can only be known and judged by us. As difficult as it is Abraham left his home country because God told him to, he wasn’t just being obedient because he feared God, he did so because he respected God’s authority and he loved him. Never joke with your prayer life, word study life, tarrying room and every other spiritual backup plan. They always have the tendency to keep you in check and in the right plan for your life. Gen 12.
Intentionality. This is the negation of shadowboxing. The devil enjoys it when people walk out of the purpose of God for their lives. Being busy, but busy doing nothing. You have to start living life intentionally, don’t allow people toss you up and down. As a believer you have to learn hear not to live out your potential but God’s purpose for you and be intentional about it. This is the place of planning and strategizing. That God blessed Abraham does not mean he was walking aimlessly before God called him, God’s mercy met with his hand work and the blessing was visible in his life.
Focus: Focus helps us sustain intentionality. Having a good foresight is beautiful but securing it and making sure it sees the light of the day requires intent focus.
Wisdom: wisdom is act of being wise. It is doing that which is right rightfully. That is, acting in such a way that breeds results, Godly and positive results. Wisdom is a gift, it is a dimension. Our dearly revered mentor King Solomon operated on this dimension and dedicated The entire book of Proverbs to this effect. The wisdom of God which he operated in is the highest and most rewarding of all kinds of wisdom. It can also be accessed when you pray for it. Without wisdom one may have a half-baked productive life.

Factors That Destroy Productivity
Excessive sleep
Wrong company
Unhealthy comparison
Disalignment from God’s word
Cultural worldviews

The Rewards of a Productive Life style

Finally, be reminded that when next you sing Abraham blessings are mine, know that it comes with a letter of hard work and dedication. The year has ended and here and there we hear so many talks on alignment, planning, strategy and so on. Take out time to retreat yourself to strategic planning for the coming year. Do not forget that when you plan and remain focused to this plan that is adequately in line with God’s purpose for your life, those strongholds in charge of this aspect of life will never have any legal access

ChristForTheWorldNetwork #VirtuousCall

MODESTY:How a Christian Should Dress:

I am Not A Jezebel

©Paul Musa Emuekpere

MODESTY: – How a
Christian Should Dress

A Christian must
always be dressed
modestly (decently).
Whether male or
female, Jesus Christ
must be revealed in
your dressing.
Modest means not
extravagant, moderate
or restrained in amount,
extent, etc

Decency means correct,
honorable or modest
Decent means
conforming to
standards of decency,
avoiding obscenity,
respectable, acceptable
or good enough.

How we dress our
bodies is so much
important to God

1. The body is God’s
temple; it is the
dwelling place of God
1 Cor 3:16: Do you know
that you are God’s
temple and God’s spirit
dwells in you?

John 14:23: Jesus
answered and said unto
him, If a man love me,
he will keep my words:
and my Father will love
him, and we will come
unto him, and make our
abode with him.
If the body is God’s
temple, His temple
must be dressed
appropriately to His

Mt 5:14: You are the
light of the world.
As the light of the
world, you must dress
in a manner that makes
human beings on the
world glorify your
father in heaven; dress
in a manner that
reveals the light to the

Mt 5:16: Let your light so
shine before men, that
they may see your good
works, and glorify your
Father which is in

The world is pushing
for nudity to be a
norm; for humans to
expose and desecrate their bodies which are The TEMPLES OF GOD in the name of an illusory and fading beauty of the exterior disabilities laced with the poison of immorality. Let not Jezebel have her way in your life but The Holy Spirit.

Love you all. God loves you best
To be Continued..

🔥 We Need The Fire

People like Benson Idahosa, Katherine kulhman, Billy Graham, Smith Wiggleswoth and those great men and women of God.

Ask those who saw the revival of 1930s,1970s and 1980s, they will tell you why we are crying over this

“firelessness” we are seeing in our generation of believers.

John Knox prayed: “Lord, Give me Scotland or I die”…

St Patrick, a rugged believer that Brought even dead animals and trees back to life prayed: “God, Give me souls or give me nothing else”….

Brethren, The Hebrides revival prayed:” Lord, If you will not use us, please, kill us”…

The brethren from England who brought the Fire from Azusa Street revival gathered everyday under the terrible cold.

Their only prayer topic was: “Lord, give us men that will spread Your Fire in the streets of England”.

During the Indonesia Revival, those hungry hearts were seen praying day and night: “Lord, The harvest is ripe… If it pleases You, please use us”.

One prayer that was common during the days of William Seymour was: “Lord, this is another day that hell must lose men and women. Please, we are here use us”.

Paul said:” Woe is me if I preach not the gospel”

Rachel said to her husband, Jacob: “Give me children or I die”

But unfortunately, our churches are filled today

with people who are not ashamed of spiritual


We are asking “God give me money. God give me spouse.

God give me visa”.

Where do we see believers

again that will be praying and fasting, and when you listen to them, you will be hearing:” Lord, let Your Fire fall in my community and let their be revival”?

When Paul encountered Christ, he fell and rose. What He asked was:” Lord, what will You have me do”.

But today, when we fall under anointing, we stand to start expecting marriage proposals and visas and employment letters.

This generation of members in our churches have not had a genuine encounter with the Man of Calvary.

No generation has carried Bibles like us without opening it.

No generation is materially driven like ours and we expect the land to obey us.

Jesus said, pray to the Father that He brings His Kingdom on earth.

GOD help us to get it on time. Amen.

Let’s build up our spiritual life cos its very necessary.

If u miss heaven u can never miss hell. Think about it. Hell isn’t a pretty place.

Do the work of an evangelist now by sharing this message with all your contacts.

Have u ever wondered what would have happened if we treat the Holy Bible the way we treat our mobile phone?

And we really can’t live without the BIBLE.

Don’t send later, send now.

May the Almighty God grant good success to every one who reads, comments ‘Amen’, likes and shares this message.

#Copied #Newshub


Proposed 2022 Budget Estimate For The Purchase of Evangelical Aids (Equipment


(Non Denominational Evangelical Movement)
Proposed Budget Estimate For the Acquisition of Evangelical Aids (Equipment)

Time Frame: (A year) 2022

  1. Public Address System: #100,000
  2. Banner Roll Up: #40,000
  3. Projector/Screen/Tripo: #120,000
  4. Computer Laptop (fairly used): #80,000
  5. Digital Camera.: #200,000
  6. Camera Tripod : #25,000
  7. Boom Mic : #20,000
  8. Conductor Pulpit :#15,000
  9. White Board. :10,000

TOTAL ESTIMATE: 610,000 (N: K)

Account Details (Temporary)

NAME: Okeke Ogechi (Director of Finance)
No. 2081210361

Note : Bibles and Books highly needed
Also, some equipment cost are a little above market price for precautionary reasons considering the constant rise in the prices of goods in the Nigeria market space.
We pray to God and Lord of the Harvest to supply to us adequately all that are needed and more the Grace to be faithful and fruitful to His Honour and Glory in Jesus Name. Amen

For Enquires/Sponsorship: 08133810952 +2348165637287

Bro. Paul Musa Emuekpere (President)

Sis Ogechi Martha Okeke (Director of Finance)

EVANGELICAL VISITATION TO EGBAEN VILLAGE : A Muslim Brother Accepts and Receives Jesus Chris and Give up Cannabis ON 14Th NOVEMBER, 2021.

Greetings beloved brothers and sisters in Christ,

Update of Evangelical outreach on the aforementioned date that was carried out as a continuation of our outreach to Egbaen Village

The visit by the Grace of God and by the leading of the Holy Spirit was undertaken by brother Stephen Dominic Iyamu and Sister Ogechi Martha Okeke collectively.

They arrived at Egbaen Village some Minutes After 12:00Pm. Proceedingly, after spending some time in worship and prayers they embarked on street to street visitations; visiting different homes to share the Message of Salvation.

Contactz: A total of 6 houses were visited and a total of 20 persons were directly contacted.

Summary of persons

19 Christians

1 Muslim whom by the Grace of God received Christ as his Lord and personal saviour. We shall follow up on him and by God’s grace see to his baptism.

The Christians contacted were reminded of the vision of the Kingdom. They were encouraged to become more stronger in Faith and lead holy and righteous lives.

Muslim Brethren Receives Christ, Dropped His Indian Hemp and gifted a Bible

We thank God for His Grace and conviction of heart. One of our contact by name, Mr Monday, a Muslim was preached to and by the illumination of the Holy Spirit Making His Ministers bold, was given the message of Salvation and introduced to Christ. He, a drug addict Gave his life to Christ to the glory of the Lord and gave up his wrapped Marijuana which he was about to smoke. He cheerfully handed it over to Sister Ogechi and now kept as a testimony in the archives of CFTWN. Furthermore as a new covert, Sister Ogechi gifted him her personal Bible for him to begin Bible studies. He was also to begin church. We shall be following up on him as directed by the President Bro. Paul Musa Emuekpere who was far away Edo State for a church event he was invited to.

The Evangelical visit came to a close for the glorious day around 5:00Pm. Hence, in summation, it was undetaken for about 5 hours to the Glory of God. Hallelujah! The kingdom Must be preached. We thank God for counting us worthy to be use by Him. We pray God sustains and nourish all our contacts and more, securing them for Himself. We pray for more of His Presence in our lives and Ministry in Jesus Name. Amen. Hallelujah!

Christ For The World Network,
Res:I am an ever ready soldier of the

Is it by Might

Res: No


Res: No


It’s by My Spirit says The Lord. Amen

Written by Sister Ogechi Martha Okeke (CFTWN Vice President)

Sign: Bro Stephen Iyamu, Director of Programmes/Outreaches

Sign: Bro Paul Musa Emuekpere (CFTWN President)