Camp Encounter

ChristForTheWorldNetwork (Sunday, 03/04/2021), Egba


Thank You Lord for a blessed Camp Encounter Today. God bless you all. Be nourished with God’s Word and you shall grow into maturity, evolve into greater dimensions with your spiritual biceps and muscles well developed. And as you totally surrender to the Lord, build intimacy with the divine and learn of Him, you shall be empowered and you shall be an heavy weight. Consequently, the evil storms and wind of the prince of the air, cannot blow you off neither sift you in any way for you are established upon the Solid Rock of Christ. This doesn’t happen automatically, it requires your Collaboration for Heaven’s validation and anointing. Yes, despite our weaknesses and frailties, GOD Almighty cares for us. Now, imagine you taken practical steps in knowing and following Him genuinely not out of the lust of this world but all out for His Kingdom, imagine, what He will Transform You into. For ye are gods and children of the Most High. Now, what is that aspect of your life courtesy of a weakness as a result of the choice you make.

Now, imagine you taken practical steps in knowing and following Him genuinely not out of the lust of this world but all out for His Kingdom, imagine, what He will Transform You into. For ye are gods and children of the Most High. Now, what is that aspect of your life courtesy of a weakness as a result of the choice you make?
Make a decision today and seek The eternal Call and The Holy SPIRIT Shall teach, comfort, edify and exalt you.

GOD Be Praised

ChristForTheWorldNetwork. Behold I have come they may have life and have it in abundance…. Behold, I come quickly… When the Son of Man comes will He find Faith?






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